Valley Township Boards & Commissions

Planning Commission


Phone: 610-384-5751, ext. 12 Fax: 610-384-2746 



The township has an ordinance regulating the subdivision of land, adjustment of lot line and development of lots for multi-family or non-residential uses. Plans are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors. A copy of this ordinance may be reviewed or purchased at the Township Building. If you have any questions or need to get information on how to submit plans contact Janis Rambo, Secretary/Treasurer at or 610-384-5751, ext. 12 .

Planning Commission Members

Chairman - Denny Bement
Vice Chairman - Bruce Manning
Secretary - Leslie Siebert
Member - Tom Burt
Member - James Druecker
Member - Tamarkius Roby

The Planning Commission meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in the Valley Township Municipal Building.

Zoning Hearing Board


Codes & Zoning Officer/Building Inspector: LTL Consultants
Phone: 610-384-5751 Ext. 14 Fax: 610-384-2746

The township has a Zoning Ordinance which regulates the use, intensity of use, size and location of buildings and other structures as well as establishing regulations for land use by trades, industry, recreation and public activities.

The provisions of the ordinance address prohibition of nuisances and performance standards as well as control of home professional offices and occupations.

Copies of the Ordinance are available for review or purchase at the Township Building. Questions regarding the provisions of this Ordinance should be directed to the township's Zoning Officer, LTL Consultants.

Zoning Hearing Board

Member - Sheila Hamilton
Member - Marjorie Runk
Member - Raymond Campbell
Solicitor - Helen Esbenshade, Esquire

The Zoning Hearing Board meets on an as needed basis.

Environmental Advisory Council


The Environmental Advisory Board meets the Third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Environmental Advisory Council

Charles Bruce

Lois Jawers

Sharon Yates

Kate Kelly

Jennifer Kowalski


Christopher Lehenky – Board of Supervisors’ Liaison



Valley Township

Municipal Office

1145 West Lincoln Highway,

Coatesville, PA 19320

Phone: 610-384-5751

Fax: 610-384-2746